Pickleball Ratings
Pickleball is a fun and easy game to learn but harder to master. As more people enter the sport, more want fair and competitive play. Some facilities are now posting ratings to designate who should be playing on specific courts. But if you are new to the sport and haven’t played in a tournament that uses the USAPA ratings, you probably don’t have an official rating and may be unsure of which group to join.
Rating Sessions
Why do I need a rating?
Ratings help players understand how well they know and play the game. As shown on the Skill Levels page, players are expected to know and be able to do specific skills of the game. A lower rating means you are still learning skills, while a higher rating means you are consistently able to demonstrate these skills. This can also help you join recreational play or enter tournaments at levels where you will play competitively without fear of playing others well above or below your skill level. This process also helps you know what to work on next.
Rating Sessions Structure
Rating sessions are held with participants of similar pickleball skills and abilities.
One to two Pickleball Courts are used for 4 - 8 participants.
Rating sessions are one hour in length:
The first half hour (30 minutes) is the “Skill Test” portion, which shows players’ ability regarding each of the fundamental shots of the game.
The last half hour is the “Playing Test” portion, which demonstrates players’ ability to execute their shots, strategy awareness, and physical mobility.
The completed results for Skills Test and Playing Tests for each participant will be submitted to the IFP Academy, and then be posted on Pickleballtournaments.com.